Friday, September 16, 2011

"Blah Blah" gratitude

After doing a gratitude list for a while, and trying to be creative about what I am grateful for, I can almost get cocky about the amazing blessings in my life that can almost seem like they are just givens. It's not that I am NOT grateful for them, it's just that as I take stock of my life, those things don't immediately come to the front of my mind, since they are part of my daily life. What kind of things am I talking about? Having a job, having a roof over my head, having enough to eat, and being healthy...just to name a few.

So, when I sit down to do my daily list, I can actually find myself thinking "Ok, I am healthy, employed, and well fed, and I have a safe place to live...blah blah blah. What ELSE do I have going on that rocks?"

This morning, my radio station is broadcasting live from Children's Hospital of Alabama - and it's absolutely breaking my heart to watch these kids and their parents march through the lobby on their way to treatment. Kids wearing masks because it's not safe for them to breathe normal air, parents that look like they've been through war, families that are up at 5:30am and already at the dang hospital because the treatment is going to take ALL day. Small children Good grief, I can't even imagine.

Today, I am going to try not to blah my way through a gratitude list. The "basics" are not givens. They are precious gifts, and today, more than usual, I know that I need to remember that.

Today, I feel gratitude for:
- Being healthy
- Being financially stable to donate money to the hospital to support the incredible work they are doing here
- The fact that this place is open for the kids that need it
- Professionals and volunteers that can make sick kids smile and forget they are sick for a while
- The wakeup call out of the "blah's"

Dear God, please bless and protect these children. Please comfort them and their families as they battle their ailments. Thank you for the wake up call out of the "blah's". Today, K will be in court - I pray for the best possible outcome for her son. Also, it's the home stretch for M, please bring her through with flying colors. Continued prayers for D and RJ, and soon-to-be born baby. For myself, I only ask that You grant me knowledge of Your will for me, and the power to carry that out. Amen.

Your turn: Have you ever "blah blah'd" anything in your life that you should be grateful for? What are you grateful for today?

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