Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Want to join in??

I got this email from my Aunt Jane over the weekend:

Hi Jeannine -
I'm enjoying your daily gratitude emails and am wondering where I go to sign up for the same thing so that people can follow me, like I follow you. I think I could benefit from making a commitment to daily gratitude, especially if I am being held accountable.
Aunt Jane

That made my whole day! That's the reason I do these lists - and post them. I benefit greatly from a daily gratitude list - it changes the way that I think about the world. Instead of traveling through the day and grumbling, I find myself looking for things to add to this list. Instead of being annoyed at what seems like a ridiculously long stop light this morning, I am grateful for the fact that it gave me a minute to look up and see the gorgeous full moon. Ta da! A grumble turned into a moment of gratitude - mostly because I know I need five things for this list each day.

If you want to start posting your lists here - I would LOVE that. It would help me to see what YOU are grateful for, too - it might spark a thought for me, or remind me to do today's list...or just give me a much needed smile. Post them as comments - or email them to me, and I'll post them!

Here's my list for today:
- Beautiful moon (which I saw while sitting at a stop light)
- An awesome email from a friend that hadn't seen me in a while to ask how much weight I've lost
- A chance to see the girls at St. Anne's really blossoming and changing over the past few weeks
- Wedding presents (people are beyond generous - seriously!)
- Time to run something by L - she's a good sounding board and changed my perspective on a tricky wedding situation

Dear God, thank you for the many blessings in my life - and for the chance to reflect on them. There are many more things that I have to be grateful for than made the list today - but You know that. Please remove my resentment towards _____, and help me instead to look for ways to be helpful to them - and to learn the lessons You have for me to learn from this messy situation. Also, please look over my friends D and RJ - they need a break, Dude. L could use one too, from the sound of things. I feel pretty freaking powerless to help since I am so far away from all of them. If there's some way you could give them comfort, peace, and/or rest, I know they could use it. Also, please grant me and S safe travels to and from the courthouse to get our marriage license. It would suck to get this close and have something happen. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Your prayers often provide the chuckle in my day. Your Heavenly relationship is totally cool. I'll also pray for your safe journey to the courthouse! :-)
