Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Today, I feel gratitude for:
- MY NEW RECYCLING BIN!!! (I have been waiting for a week for it to get here - I am hoping to be a trendsetter in my neighborhood and get EVERYONE to recycle!)
- Seeing 4 cops on the way to work - and not getting stopped by ANY of them.
- A fabulous dinner (complete with crab cakes!) cooked by my beloved fiance last night
- Friends that "get it" when I need to talk out some of the crazy stuff in my head
- Being brave enough to buy a bikini for my honeymoon

Dear God - rock on with your bad self, dude. You are pretty amazing. You provide strength and/or comfort when we need it. Help me to be of service to You and Your kids today. Please protect S as he travels today for work, and provide some relief and comfort to D today as she juggles more than any human should ever have to. Amen.

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