Thursday, August 25, 2011


Today, I feel gratitude for:
- Safe arrival of G yesterday - it's awesome to have my matron of honor in town
- Getting to sleep in today and having the WHOLE day to do all the little things that need to be completed before the wedding
- A fabulous surprise shower from my coworkers
- Encouragement from friends that know exactly what to say and when I need to hear it
- The morning meditation I read today about being loyal (I've included it below) - because I definitely have struggled with this over this past year with all of my extra's!

Dear God, my heart is full of love and gratitude today. I am so excited and happy to be marrying the man of my dreams in a couple of days, and to have our family and friends here. Please grant me knowledge of Your will for me and the power to carry that out. Please help me to be efficient and calm during what could be a stressful time and to remember that this is all for an awesome reason: because You brought me and S together at the perfect times in our lives to fall in love with each other and get married. Please help us to keep our eye on the prize: being married to each other, and forget about any of the little stressing details that distract from that. Please grant safe travel to my family and loved ones, and keep a loving arm around those that need some extra TLC today. Amen.

If you don't have any loyalty to what you are doing, you ought not be doing it.
-- Tom Harding

We understand loyalty to friends and family members, but does loyalty to an activity imply the same thing? To be loyal to an activity means to stick with it even when we hit the inherent snags. Let's consider a hobby for instance. Are we so frustrated when we can't track down a particular stamp or seem unable to complete the 5000 piece puzzle that we consider quitting the activity in disgust? If so, we probably lack the loyalty that Tom alludes to.

Each of us has to consider for ourselves whether or not we value this kind of loyalty when it comes to the "extracurriculars" in our lives. We're not failures if we decide to drop some hobby for another one. Sometimes we can't see that some interest doesn't fit us all that well until we get deep into it. What's more important is that we remain loyal to our values, whatever they are. When some activity loses its appeal, for any reason, and we continue to stay with it out of shame or embarrassment, we're not being loyal to that which is most important - ourselves.

Today, I'll ask myself if my hobbies suit my true interests.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Today, I feel gratitude for:
- Caffeine (dear LORD, what would I do without it?)
- Not being a garbage truck worker (I drove in behind one this morning and it stunk to high heaven!)
-A great women's meeting last night (SO good to see my girls!)
- Hurriance Irene changing her direction away from where we are going on our honeymoon
- Fun dinner plans for "date night" tonight with S.

Dear God - the countdown is winding down and there's lots to do. Help me to prioritize and remember to make time for YOU in all the craziness...without You, I wouldn't have any of this anyway! Please continue to be with my friend D...she's got too much on her dang plate, and it's seriously not cool. Thank you for my life - and the many blessings in it. Please grant everyone safe travel this week...Amen.

Monday, August 22, 2011


Today, I feel gratitude for:

- S finding my wallet this morning (we looked for over an HOUR last night - but he found it in his car under his driver's seat - NO idea how it got there, but SO glad it was found...especially since we have so much need for it this week as we get ready for the wedding and honeymoon!)

- Getting caught up with friends last night while on my very long "gotta wear the dogs out" walk

- Deciding to pay off our credit cards instead of buying each other a wedding present (how grown up of us!)

- Reminders to BREATHE (it's amazing that I keep forgetting...seriously. I find myself holding my breath!)

- Giada's recipe for stuffed sweet baby peppers - YUM!

Dear God - the countdown is on, and there's lots to manage. As we know, I don't always manage my own life so well, so I am turning it all over to You, Dude. Let me know what I am supposed to do next - and give me the strength and knowledge to handle whatever I am supposed to, today. Thanks for the many blessings in my life - I know that I have it pretty darn good! You rock for granting me these blessings and the awareness to realize that they are there. Please grant all of my loved ones safe travel - and please keep an eye on L, D and RJ and anyone else that is suffering in silence. Amen.

Friday, August 19, 2011


Today, I feel gratitude for:
- Brakes that work on S's car (and his quick reflexes to use them!)
- Helpful salespeople at J. Crew and New York and Company (the latter of which slid me a $70 off of $150 coupon just to be nice yesterday!)
- Marc Broussard's new album - it's fun to listen to on my way to work!
- - it's guaranteed to make you crack up today - I dare you not to laugh!
- So many good wishes and so much good advice as we approach the wedding day (in 8 days!!)

Dear God - grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference. Thy will, not mine, be done. I am keeping it simple today, God. Please look after my loved ones and friends, too, and lift my resentment towards _______, and grant her everything I want for myself. Amen.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Today, I feel gratitude for:

- Our first recycling day! It made me so happy to see our big old 75 gallon can full to the top with stuff that would have been thrown away.

- Flowers from M-Power Ministries' garden - they are doing amazing work and it was uplifting to volunteer there yesterday - and to get the beautiful flowers for my home.

- Leftovers - it was SO nice to come home and have something easy to eat after a long day.

- Finding places to cut in the wedding budget

- Good bonding time with S last night

Dear God, please grant me knowledge of Your will for me and the power to carry it out. I am pretty sure Your will doesn't include me being a jerk to anyone and everyone - so please help me to not be so snarky and sarcastic. If I am wrong on that one, though, let me know. Also, I've been a potty mouth lately - and I am pretty sure that's not part of Your plan for me either. Please remove my resentment against ______, and grant her everything I'd want for myself. And finally, please keep an eye on D, RJ, J, and L - they all seem to need a little extra TLC today. Amen.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Today, I feel gratitude for:
- Jim Brickman's fabulously relaxing music - it's like Prozac in music form (hypothetically speaking, of course, because I haven't ever actually taken Prozac.)
- A comfortable car (since I drive 100 miles a day or more, it's nice to be comfy on the ride!)
- S packing up and loading into my car all of the stuff I cleaned out of our cupboards to donate (and have left sitting in the corner of the kitchen for over a week!)
- D calling to tell me about my airheadness on my bridal registry! (Read about that in my wedding blog at work.)
- Finding humor in our marriage application - check out the "yes or no" question above where we had to sign our names!
- Bonus: Jon Acuff's blog - and his insight and candor.

Dear God, I offer myself to you to build with me and do with me as You would have do. Please take my very flawed self and put me to work doing what You need today. Please remove my resentment towards _____ and give her everything I would wish for myself, and please continue to look after D, RJ, L and anyone else in my circle that's suffering in silence. Amen.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Want to join in??

I got this email from my Aunt Jane over the weekend:

Hi Jeannine -
I'm enjoying your daily gratitude emails and am wondering where I go to sign up for the same thing so that people can follow me, like I follow you. I think I could benefit from making a commitment to daily gratitude, especially if I am being held accountable.
Aunt Jane

That made my whole day! That's the reason I do these lists - and post them. I benefit greatly from a daily gratitude list - it changes the way that I think about the world. Instead of traveling through the day and grumbling, I find myself looking for things to add to this list. Instead of being annoyed at what seems like a ridiculously long stop light this morning, I am grateful for the fact that it gave me a minute to look up and see the gorgeous full moon. Ta da! A grumble turned into a moment of gratitude - mostly because I know I need five things for this list each day.

If you want to start posting your lists here - I would LOVE that. It would help me to see what YOU are grateful for, too - it might spark a thought for me, or remind me to do today's list...or just give me a much needed smile. Post them as comments - or email them to me, and I'll post them!

Here's my list for today:
- Beautiful moon (which I saw while sitting at a stop light)
- An awesome email from a friend that hadn't seen me in a while to ask how much weight I've lost
- A chance to see the girls at St. Anne's really blossoming and changing over the past few weeks
- Wedding presents (people are beyond generous - seriously!)
- Time to run something by L - she's a good sounding board and changed my perspective on a tricky wedding situation

Dear God, thank you for the many blessings in my life - and for the chance to reflect on them. There are many more things that I have to be grateful for than made the list today - but You know that. Please remove my resentment towards _____, and help me instead to look for ways to be helpful to them - and to learn the lessons You have for me to learn from this messy situation. Also, please look over my friends D and RJ - they need a break, Dude. L could use one too, from the sound of things. I feel pretty freaking powerless to help since I am so far away from all of them. If there's some way you could give them comfort, peace, and/or rest, I know they could use it. Also, please grant me and S safe travels to and from the courthouse to get our marriage license. It would suck to get this close and have something happen. Amen.

Monday, August 15, 2011


Today, I feel gratitude for:
- A packed lunch today - which I got to share with two fun coworkers that I don't get to spend nearly enough time with
- Naps!
- Friends that feel like family
- Future in-laws that I really like
- Down time this weekend to rest and relax with S

Dear God, You know what I need - better than I do. Thanks for always giving me exactly what I need, when I need it...and NOT giving me things I thought were so important. Help me to accept ______ as the way it's supposed to be right now...and also, please help me to feel some compassion and love towards ______, because right now, I don't feel very much. My life is good, and I am grateful...but these few little black marks are becoming big clouds, and I need YOU to take them from me. Thanks for doing what you do, Big Guy - You rock! Amen.

Friday, August 12, 2011


Today, I feel gratitude for:
- Surviving driving school last night (*Bonus gratitude for not maiming the talkative brown noser that was sitting in the front row that literally commented on EVERY SINGLE THING the officer brought up. Dear LORD!)
- Headshots that I like for my new TV job
- S coming home tonight
- An awesome gathering of friends yesterday - all with really intersting viewpoints
- Fun plans to see GLEE 3-D tomorrow!

Dear God, please remove my fear of all the changes coming up in my life - help me to enjoy the ride and remember that You are in charge of all that happens in my life and have my best interest at heart. Please guide and protect and comfort my loved ones, especially D and her family as they bury her dad today, and help me to be of service wherever You see fit. Amen.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Today, I feel gratitude for:
- MY NEW RECYCLING BIN!!! (I have been waiting for a week for it to get here - I am hoping to be a trendsetter in my neighborhood and get EVERYONE to recycle!)
- Seeing 4 cops on the way to work - and not getting stopped by ANY of them.
- A fabulous dinner (complete with crab cakes!) cooked by my beloved fiance last night
- Friends that "get it" when I need to talk out some of the crazy stuff in my head
- Being brave enough to buy a bikini for my honeymoon

Dear God - rock on with your bad self, dude. You are pretty amazing. You provide strength and/or comfort when we need it. Help me to be of service to You and Your kids today. Please protect S as he travels today for work, and provide some relief and comfort to D today as she juggles more than any human should ever have to. Amen.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Today, I feel gratitude for:
- St. Anne's Home - the girls there are a constant reminder of how lucky I really am to be living my life today
- Professional help for the wedding - it's nice to have someone else doing the final details (well, most of them!)
- Yoga
- Making it to work on time
- Being able to bring lunch from home so that I stay on track with calories and money

Dear God, please grant me knowledge of Your will for me, and the power to carry it out. Help me to stay away from my favorite little character defects of ______ and ________, and instead, look for what I can bring to situation to make it better! Please keep Your loving and comforting arm around my friends and loved ones, especially D. Amen.

Monday, August 8, 2011


Today, I feel gratitude for:
- S's safe return home from his bachelor party
- not waking up with a headache today
- having time this weekend to finally get the garage organized and actually DOING it!
- being able to forgive myself for making mistakes
- getting caught up with some friends via email/FB in the past few days

Dear God, thank you for my pretty awesome life. Please help me to relax and take it easy. Please help me to do Your will for me today and enjoy the ride, as much as possible. Also, please keep Your arms around D and her family as they deal with the funeral for her dad. Amen.

Friday, August 5, 2011


Today, I am grateful for:
- an awesome night with a dear friend being of service to some very sweet women
- my friend K being so flexible when our plans inevitably change
- my hairdresser R calling me to offer me a free massage that had been donated to her by a coworker!!
- the wedding programs getting here safe and sound
- my fabulous new kindle to take on my honeymoon! (thanks to K!)

Dear God, thanks for today. Despite it not turning out very differently from how I thought it was going to - it was better than I could have planned (as always!). Please keep S and his friends safe tomorrow as the bachelor party continues at the beach, and please look over all of my friends and loved ones as they go through this next 24 hours, especially D. If I can help You with anything, please make so clear to me that even I can't miss it. Please remove my fear of ______ and direct my thinking to what You would have me be. Good night, handsome. Amen.

Sent from my iPhone

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Today, I feel gratitude for:
- pool time with M yesterday - she makes me happy in my heart, and we got tan!
- living through p90x's plyometrics
- an incredible wedding present from S and J
- so many people that "get it" when I say I miss my mom
- an extra 15 minutes of sleep this morning

Dear God, thank you for sending me so many of your "angels" yesterday and today - You really do find creative ways to send me comfort. Please help me to look for opportunities to do the same for other people. My heart is just broken for my friend D on the sudden, tragic loss of her dad. Please grant her some of Your comfort and healing. No one should have to deal with this while they are pregnant. I know You have a plan, but dude, sometimes, I just don't get it. That's about all I've got today. I'll check in tomorrow. Amen.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Today, I feel gratitude for:
- S comfotting me last night when I was sad about missing my mom during wedding planning
- Getting the "seal of approval" at premarital counseling
- Incredible generosity of friends and family with all the wedding presents
- Fun plans for today with good girlfriends
- My health

Dear God: if my dream is any indication of how I am REALLY feeling, I am way more stressed than I realized about the wedding. Please remove my fear and help me to do the next right thing, wedding related or not. Thank you for all of the many blessings you have given me - especially, this incredible man that loes me enough to marry me. Help me not to do anything to sabotage myself as the dae gets closer. Please keep an eye on my loved ones, friends and family - and show me how to be of service today, if there's something I am able to do! Amen. P.S. Help me to work on not being late for stuff. Amen again.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Today, I feel gratitude for:
- Evites
- being able to stay organized on my phone
- premarital counseling
- air conditioning
- making it to work this morning without running out of gas

Dear God, I offer my entire self to You, my thoughts and my actions, the good and the bad, the whole do with me as You would have me do. Please grant me knowledge of Your will for me, and the power to carry that out. Please offer the same comfort and assistance to my friends and loved ones that always seems to come my way, in the most perfect way. Amen.

Monday, August 1, 2011


Today, I am grateful for:
- a fun photo shoot at the tv station where I was actually happy with the results
- snuggle time with S
- speaking up for myself and it working half the times I tried so far
- unexpected phone call from a dear friend tonight just to say I love you!

Dear God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can, courage to change the things I can't - and the wisdom to know the difference. Amen.

Sent from my iPhone